
    NCC/Scout & Guides

    The Vidyalaya is having all three units of NCC, Army,Navy and Air Force wings and Scounts & Guides both.
    NCC ACTIVITY – 2023/24

    1. Bicycle rally & Painting Competition on World Environment day (4/6/2023)
    2. Tree Plantation on World Environment day (5/6/2024)
    3. Say No to drugs pledge taken and Certificate received (19/6/2024)
    4.  International Yoga day Celebration . (21/6/2024)
    5. Painting Competition for Anti drugs. (25/6/2024)
    6. Van Mahotsab (9/7/2024)
    7. Punch Pran Pledge Taken (13/8/2024)
    8. Har Ghar Triranga Celebration & March past in ITBP Ground (15/8/2024)
    9. Sadbhabana Pledge Taken. (20/8/2024)
    10. Swachch Bharat Abhiyan (17/9/2024)
    11. Vigilance Awarness week Celebration (30/10/23024 to 5/11/2024)
    12. Cycle rally & Poster making Competition (26/11/2023)
    13. 22 Cadets Participated in ATC camp at Dhenkanal. (2/9/2023 to 11/9/2023)